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Product End Of Life Policies


This article details the past versions of Fluent Studios products we support, and to what extent we support them. Please remember that our first recommendation is always to upgrade to the newest version of a product. If you are current on Support and using the latest version, you don't need to worry about any of this - this page is only relevant if you are using an older version of a Fluent Studios product. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  • Security issues: a bug that exposes a security vulnerability in your system
  • Failures: an issue that causes an exception or program failure, and we cannot find a workaround
  • Formatting and layout: your output does not match the template


End of life dates are listed below for all versions except the current version. Our guidelines for the dates set are:

  • formatting and layout bugs are handled for six months after the release date of the subsequent version
  • exception and failure bugs are handled for 18 months after the release date of the subsequent version
  • security issues are handled for five years after the release date of the subsequent version
  • For issues in an older version, we strongly recommend upgrading to the latest version. Version changes are generally not a significant change in existing functionality but more of a calendar event so an upgrade from version to is not much different from an upgrade from to You get new features while the existing features are unchanged. (The upgrade from version 9 to version 10 is an exception - that has significant changes in how select statements are specified.)

If you have a current Support contract and are using a no-longer-supported version, you can still submit Support requests to our Helpdesk or support phone line if the question is valid for newer versions as well. However, we will not answer questions specific to that version.

12.5 is a special case; at that release we eliminated using J# in .NET Report Engine. Therefore it is treated as a major version change.

VersionFormatting and LayoutExceptions and FailuresSecurity IssuesEnd of Life Downloads
11 Novermber 20031 February 20041 August 2008[Version 1]
21 April 20051 July 20051 January 2010[Version 2]
31 April 20061 July 20061 January 2011[Version 3]
41 December 20071 March 20081 September 2012[Version 4]
51 September 20081 December 20081 June 2013[Version 5]
61 March 20091 June 20101 December 2013[Version 6]
71 September 20091 December 20101 August 2014[Version 7]
81 November 20101 February 20121 August 2015[Version 8]
91 March 20111 June 20121 December 2016[Version 9]
101 April 20121 July 20131 January 2017[Version 10]
111 October 20131 October 20141 April 2018[Version 11]
12.01 March 20141 March 20151 September 2018[Version 12.0]
12.51 December 20141 December 20151 June 2019[Version 12.5]
131 October 20151 October 20161 April 2020[Version 13]
141 February 20171 February 20181 August 2021[Version 14]
151 April 20191 April 20201 October 2023[Version 15]
161 October 20201 October 20211 April 2025[Version 16]
There is no version 17, 18, or 19 (now by year - version 20 is for 2020)
201 October 20211 October 20221 April 2026[Version 20]
211 October 20221 October 20231 April 2027[Version 21]
221 September 20231 September 20241 March 2028[Version 22]
231 September 20241 September 20251 March 2029[Version 23]
241 September 20251 September 20261 March 2030[Version 24]
25Current Release[Version 25]

End of life for version 25 will be announced when version 26 is released.

Product-Specific Notes

Report Designer Office Edition

Starting with version 16, .NET Framework 4.6.1 is required. .NET framework 4.6.1 is included in later versions of the .NET framework thru .NET framework 4.8. Starting with version 23.3.0, .NET Framework 4.8 or higher is required.

Java Report Engine

  • Starting with version 12.5, Java Report Engine requires Java 1.6 or later
  • Starting with version 6, Java Report Engine requires Java 1.4 or later
  • Starting with version 16, Java Report Engine requires Java 1.8 or later

.NET Report Engine

  • For version 12.5, the .NET Report Engine API was upgraded to use generics instead of arrays (see [Upgrading to the 12.5 API])
  • Starting with version 9.0 .NET Report Engine is now built with .NET 3.5 instead of .NET 2.0
  • Support for .NET 3.5 ended in version 15.1
  • Starting with version 16, .NET Framework 4.6.1 is required. .NET framework 4.6.1 is included in later versions of the .NET framework thru .NET framework 4.8.
  • Starting with version 23.3.0, .NET Framework 4.8 or higher is required.

Report Engine for RESTful

Starting with version 16, .NET Framework 4.6.1 is required. .NET framework 4.6.1 is included in later versions of the .NET framework thru .NET framework 4.8. Starting with version 23.3.0, .NET Framework 4.8 or higher is required.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft drops support for Office 10 years after the release date, e.g. Office 2003 support was ended by Microsoft in 2014. We add one year to that for our support; hence end of life for supporting Report Designer Office Edition on a version of Office is:

VersionReport Designer End of SupportFinal Report Designer Version
Office 20001 January 201211.1
Office 20021 January 201412.5
Office 20031 January 201513.1
Office 20071 January 201915.2
Office 20101 January 202216.7.5
Office 20131 January 2025
Office 20161 January 2028

Earlier Version Requirements (v12 and Earlier)

Report Designer for Office Edition

In version 12.5 Fluent removed the requirement for J# and has replaced it with IKVM. In Versions 12.5 and later, J# is no longer required.

.NET Report Engine

In version 12.5 Fluent removed the requirement for J# and has replaced it with IKVM. In Versions 12.5 and later, J# is no longer required.

  • See more details on the conversion at [Upgrading to the 12.5 API]

  • Version 9.0 and later .NET Report Engine is compiled under .NET 3.5 instead of .NET 2.0. .NET Report Engine requires these drivers for all versions 12.0 and earlier:

  • .NET Framework 3.5 - (You probably already have this installed)

Java Report Engine

Java Report Engine requires:

J# Information

Both Report Designer and .NET Report Engine require the J# 2.0 redistributable package from Microsoft for versions 12.0 and earlier. This must be installed after .NET 3.5 is installed as it is an extension of .NET 3.5. It must be installed before installing Report Designer or .NET Report Engine.

You must install J# version 2.0 - Second Edition, released May 2007.

Download only the J# appropriate for your O/S