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How to Create a Fluent Designer Log File


In this article we demonstrate how to create a Report Designer log file from Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint.

Steps to create a Fluent Designer log file

  1. Open the template
  2. Open the 'Fluent Tools' tab
  3. Click the 'Options' button
  4. Open the 'Error Handling' tab
  5. Click 'Create Log File' button
  6. A Confirmation message will indicate where the log file will be created
  7. Navigate to the location of the log file, and if there is a log file there please delete it
  8. Click 'Yes' in the Confirmation pop-up to continue
  9. Click 'OK' to exit out of the 'Options' window
  10. Perform the act that needs investigation
  11. The log file will be created in the location defined in step 7